Tow My Car warns vehicle sellers to be vigilant when selling their vehicles online
A prospective buyer has freak accident in driveway while inspecting a sellers vehicle
A seller had quite the surprise when attempting to sell their vehicle on popular online marketplace gumtree. In exclusive footage obtained by towmycar.com.au, the prospective buyer can be seen placing one foot into the vehicle presumably depressing the accelerator causing the vehicle to suddenly lurch backwards and colliding with two bins before coming to a stop in the middle of the road, narrowly avoiding a parked car. The seller can then be seen waving their hands in the air in a moment of disbelief before rushing to the aid of the shaken buyer. In a statement provided to towmycar.com.au "When the buyer came to inspect the vehicle, during their checks they left the vehicle in reverse, when trying to test out the reverse sensors." The man somehow managed to regain control of the vehicle mere meters before slamming in another vehicle parked on the opposite side of the street. Luckily no one was injured in the incident, with only minor damage to the vehicles door and A-Pillar. A Tow Truck was not required to attend the scene in this instance as the vehicle was still driveable. See the full video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7a0HOLVF6QCopyright © towmycar.com.au All rights reserved
5 years ago